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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bill O'Reilly: The No Truth Zone

The whole Bill O'Reilly/lies situation over the past month or so has been not all that surprising. Of course Bill is a liar. It starts with his "no spin zone" con that is the foundation of his show.

David Corn and Media Matters have been very thorough in documenting his misinformation. And, of course, one of the arguments "No Spin" Bill has used in attacking them is because they're from the "far left." Yeah.

Eric Boehlert has just published an ebook that thoroughly tells the story of O'Reilly's little (and bigger) lies. While conservatives will be quick to dismiss it because he's their mouthpiece, it's actually a very straightforward and informative (at least to those who want to know) book that tells the truth about Bill and his "No Truth Zone." It's available on this link. We recommend it.

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